Last year, a 30 year old woman, Amina Lawal, was found guilty of adultery under newly introduced Islamic holy laws. As punishment for the affair and the child it produced, Amina Lawal was given the death penalty. When her time to die comes, she will be buried up to her neck in sand. When only her head remains exposed, those watching will be invited to throw stones until the 30-year-old single mother is dead. International human rights organizations are banding together to appeal Amina Lawal's sentence. Go here and sign Amnesty International's open letter to the President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo. You can also email directly the Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria. Write to the Nigerian Ambassador to the United States. Contact your US representative and tell them to push forward with their bill to condemn execution by stoning
Michael Hogan's Blog
Michael Hogan's random daily musing about events in the news, Math, Science and books I'm reading.
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