Do you need a weekly challenge? What not sign up for Stan Wagon's math problem of the week. The series has been running since 1968 with problems designed to be accessible to a first year college student. Take a look at mathforum and give it a try. If you don't want to click, this week's problem, the first of the new academic year is ----------- PROBLEM 962 ----------- Can You Judge this Book by its Cover? Consider a book having one page and front and back covers, all joined along a common spine. Is it possible to cut a Moebius strip out of such a one-page book? (Of course, you can use only a scissors and the given book -- no additional tape.) More precisely: Take three sheets of paper and attach them along one of their edges to a common spine. Thus they form a book with a cover and one page. Can you cut a Moebius strip out of this topological object?
Michael Hogan's Blog
Michael Hogan's random daily musing about events in the news, Math, Science and books I'm reading.
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